Good Samaritan
Location: 13441 Patrick Henry Highway, Amelia, VA 23002
Office: 8901 Winterpock Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832
Phone: 804-639-6712 Fax: 804-639-6591
Mass Times: Saturdays, 4 pm Sundays - Hispanic Mass, 4 pm
Interested in joining the Parish? CLICK HERE for the New Parish Member Form
Check out the Calendar of Events: CLICK HERE
Do you have children between 1st grade and 12th grade in need of Faith Formation? CLICK HERE for information about Faith Formation
Need to Baptize? CLICK HERE to complete inquiry form. It is recommended that parents contact the parish office six months in advance to prepare for the sacrament.
Quinceanera coming up? CLICK HERE (Spanish version) or HERE (English version) to download the form to register.
Are you engaged and would like to plan your wedding? Congratulations and know we are excited to share in the planning of your Sacrament of Marriage. Please note that wedding dates cannot be scheduled before a couple meets with the presider. Contact the parish office at 639-6712 for an appointment at least one year in advance of the proposed wedding.