Youth Formation
At St. Gabriel we embrace the call to provide life-long faith formation for children, youth and adults. The faith formation program for children includes a variety of dynamic learning experiences to enhance understanding of our Catholic faith. In addition we recognize parents as the PRIMARY catechists of their children and while St. Gabriel’s provides well over the required diocesan required 30 hours of gathered and non-gathered faith formation in the year, we rely on parents to review through the unit materials provided in the curriculum.
High School Faith Formation meets in the Worship Space on the FOURTH SUNDAY of every month (except for in December, when it is the THIRD SUNDAY), from 1 - 3 pm. CLICK HERE for the high school faith formation homework assignments.
Middle School Faith Formation meets in the Worship Space on the FOURTH SUNDAY of every month (except for in December, when it is the THIRD SUNDAY), from 3:30 - 5:30 pm. CLICK HERE Middle school faith formation homework assignments..
Class dates for both high school and middle school faith formation are as follows:
Parent Orientation for parents who have not had children in Faith Formation at St. Gabriel before is Sunday, August 25th in the Worship Space at 12:30 pm .
Book Distribution for all grades is Sunday, August 25th in the Worship Space at 2:00 pm.
Sept. 22
Oct. 27
Nov. 24
Dec. 15
Jan. 26
Feb. 23
Mar. 23
April 27