ATTENTION singers and musicians...
Parish Choir Ministry
The choir is a dedicated group of parishioners who enjoy music and who minister as a choral ensemble within the assembly on weekends, Feast days, and at seasonal celebrations. Membership in the Parish Choir is open to all adults and teens (16+) regardless of musical training. Regular attendance at rehearsals on Wednesday evenings, (7pm – 8:30pm) and scheduled weekend liturgies (one per weekend) is expected.
Cantor Ministry
The parish cantor is a person of faith dedicated to the ongoing study and awareness of the message of the Scripture. Since the human voice, the vehicle for the sung expression of faith, a certain demonstrated ability of vocal competence is necessary to lead the assembly in sung prayer. Further, a willingness to grow in faith and an understanding of the importance of prayerful presence to the assembly is foundational. Consultation/audition with the Music Coordinator is required.
Instrumental Ministry
The parish instrumentalist enhances the richness of accompaniment of the Mass hymns and settings. If you play, or have played an instrument in the not too distant past, consider giving your talent to the parish assembly on a weekly (instrumentalists may participate in any one of the three regular weekend Masses) or on an occasional or seasonal basis. Consultation/audition with the Music Coordinator is required.
For more information about any of the above ministries, please contact Barbara Chandler, Music Coordinator at 804-639-6712.