
Parish Vision Statement

Gabriel announced the coming of Jesus Christ. The community of Saint Gabriel announces the Good News alive today through our commitment to be a parish of welcome and hospitality through the stewardship of our gifts. Through our worship, outreach, formation, compassion and forgiveness, we are called to pause and reflect on our relationship with God and one another as we live the gospel each day of our lives.

Worship and Spirituality

Our spirituality is communal and personal. The celebration of the Eucharist deepens our spiritual growth and calls us to be a community of believers who live out our faith. When we gather with each other for prayer, the presence of Christ comes alive. As we make time to rest and rejuvenate our lives, our celebrations of word and sacrament strengthen us to live as a parish community that opens wide the doors for all to enter.

Education and Formation

We are a pilgrim church-we are constantly developing and finding new ways of coming closer to the Lord and his people. Growing and maturing in faith is at the foundation of our mission. The faith formation of our adult, children and youth, through ongoing education and sacramental preparation, prepares us for faithful loving, living and service.

Outreach and Community Building

The Lord sent the Holy Spirit upon the apostles to empower them to put their faith into action. At St. Gabriel, we commit ourselves to both provide assistance to those in need or crisis, and work to make our world a more just and peaceful place for all. The gospel mandate to serve stands as both the foundation and challenge for the actions of our lives.

Hospitality and Community Life

All are welcome at St. Gabriel, and are expected to become active and participating members of the community. The bonds of love and friendship that we forge with one another carry out the gospel mandate to love. The call to full and active participation in the life of the parish is at the foundation of our life as a community of faith.