We are all part of a parish family. Family members who share a common heritage, grounded in the same beliefs, values, and traditions. Your challenges are ours. ROCK – Raising our Catholic Kids are gatherings to help you meet those challenges. To connect you with other parents in the parish and to the greater community, supporting you in the best and most challenging vocation you have – being a parent. This is open to all parents and extends to grandparents, godparents and those special aunts and uncles in our children’s lives.

First and foremost, ROCK is a place to be listened to and to listen. To share about the challenges of living your faith each day in a way that guides your children to relationship with the Way, the Truth and the Life, our Lord and Savior. It is also a non-judgmental place to receive guidance, support and unconditional love, exactly what you want to give to your children. Our goal is for you to walk away with tools to deepen your household’s relationship with God and one another.

Parents of PRE-K– 5th Graders –Fall offerings Mondays at 6 pm: Sept 30, Oct. 7, 14, 21, and 28

Parents of Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers Tuesdays at 6:30 pm: Oct. 8, Nov. 12, Jan. 14, Feb. 11, Mar. 11

Resources for parents with kids with special needs:







ROCK Resources (We will add to these each month so watch for updates)
  1. How to Raise Your Children into Faithful Adults -  From the Catholic Virginian and distributed at the first meeting
  2. Simply Catholic - The mission of Simply Catholic is simple: to help Catholics know and love the Lord and his Church so that they may be equipped to share their Catholic faith with others. Published through Our Sunday Visitor.
  3. Strong Catholic Family Faith - Strong Catholic Family Faith seeks to empower parents and Catholic leaders to form faith-filled Catholic families. Research and Church teaching state the importance of parents in the faith formation of their children. We curate relevant content and meaningful experiences so that parents might better pass on the faith to their families and  Catholic leaders are equipped to support them.
  4. Home | Intentional Catholic Parenting - Intentional Catholic parenting begins with the assumption that parents are the primary and most powerful catechists for their children. They are uniquely qualified to lead their children to mature faith. ICP’s mission is to give parents the confidence and tools they need on this journey of raising disciples. We focus on two core areas: nurturing and protecting the parent-child connection and building a radiant home faith culture.
  5. Gentle Catholic Parenting Podcasts with Kim Cameron Smith - I explore parenting research, share my own stories, chat with friends, and wonder aloud how we can raise whole kids in a broken world.

  6. Growing Up Catholic - Coach and empower parents to form their children in faith. This site has resources to help you better understand your faith, weave it into your daily life, and share it with your child.  Most of these resources are provided FREE of any charge, but we also recommend some resources that can be purchased.
  7. Celebrating Catholic Moms & Families | CatholicMom.com - At Catholic Mom, our mission is to support and encourage every woman in the vocation of Catholic motherhood. With more than 130 contributors from all walks of life, here you will find voices of women from all backgrounds and all ages and stages of life.
  8. Parents and Parenting | USCCB - Catholic Family Life - The USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) website offers a page of resources for parents, and be sure to go to the bottom of the page for the selected articles that can be very impactful. 
  9. https://thefrmikepodcast.fireside.fm/page/3 This is Fr Mike Schmitz’s Catholic podcast. It’s free and many of our questions and those of our kids are addressed in different episodes of this podcast. Short, concise and down to earth - these can be listened to with your children in the car or together when questions arise.\
  10. https://www.loyolapress.com/catholic-resources/family/catholic-teens/ - Today's Catholic teens are hungry for finding meaning and direction in life. These articles will help to bring the Good News of Jesus to Catholic teens. Good articles (relatively brief) specifically on topics important to teens.
  11. Ascension Press Resources: For those looking for a more formal curriculum there’s several options here. About $20-$30 for a fully online curriculum. Also, articles and videos throughout the Acension Press Website that can answer questions you and your children have about the faith. CHECK OUT THE ASCENSION PRESS APP ON GOOGLE AND APPLE APP STORE - has full text of catechism, answers to a thousand questions, every episode of Bible in a Year and Catechism in the Year and so much more!
  12. NEW Fr. Mike TAR Prayer - Fr. Mike’s Prayer for Beginners - YouTube
  13. NEW Catholic Bible Translations - Approved Translations of the Bible | USCCB
  14. NEW Suggested Bibles with commentaries to use when reading scripture:

    Catholic Youth Bible, St. Mary’s Press, 4th edition ISBN: 978-1-59982-925-8 or ISBN-10: 1-59982-925-8

    The Great Adventure Catholic Bible, Ascension Press ISBN-10: 1945179414 or ISBN-13: 978-1945179419

    The Little Rock Catholic Study Bible , ISBN-10: 0814626793 or ISBN-13: 978-0814626795

    The Catholic Study bible, 3rd edition ISBN-10: 0190267232 or ISBN-13: 978-0190267230

    Word on Fire Bible: The Gospels, ISBN-10: 1943243549 or ISBN-13: 978-1943243549


    Liturgy Sunday site: http://liturgy.slu.edu/

    John J. Pilch Cultural Commentaries – can be found on amazon

    An Introduction to the New Testament by Raymond Brown – a bit more in depth but great – in the parish library. Also he has commentaries on different books in the bible.

    Bible Basics for Catholics  and New Testament Basics for Catholics by John Bergsma

    Walking with God by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins (this is a narrative version of scripture.

  15. Bishop Barron on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJjW3LXuHzo
  16. Catholic Gospel Coloring Pages and More for Sunday Mass https://www.catholicmom.com/sunday-mass-activities
  17. Holy Heroes Sunday Mass Prep https://holyheroes.com/pages/sunday-mass-prep
  18. Why Sunday Obligation? CLICK HERE
  19. Crafted by God - "Why did God make me this way?" (youtube.com)

  20. https://catholicfamilycrate.com/collections/games

  21. https://intentionalcatholicparenting.com/

  22. The Catholic Family in a Post-Christian World | The Mission of the Family (youtube.com)

  23. Hearing God’s Voice in prayer for younger children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3qEkuXBXGk

  24. Hearing God’s Voice in prayer for youth: https://catholicvoiceomaha.com/hearing-gods-voice-in-prayer/

    Hearing God’s Voice in prayer for youth: https://www.catholicmom.com/articles/hearing-gods-voice