Preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation occurs along-side ongoing faith formation (religious education) based on grade level of your child. This sacramental preparation is SUPPLEMENTAL to the regular faith formation. As the parent along with your youth will discern their readiness to begin the preparation by considering the following:
- Has s/he received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation and First Eucharist?
- Is s/he at least 15 years old and in the 10th grade of High School during 2024-25 academic year?
- Is there interest in receiving the sacrament?
- Does s/he have a basic knowledge of the Catholic faith?
- Does s/he have the desire for ongoing conversion and deepening relationship with Jesus Christ?
- Does s/he participate regularly in the sacramental life of the church including regular mass attendance and reception of the Holy Eucharist?
- Is s/he prepared to commit to the requirements, listed below, to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?
For selection of sponsors and to download the Sponsor Attestation form that needs to be completed please visit the Diocese of Richmond: CLICK HERE.
CLICK HERE for the Confirmation and High School Faith Formation class schedule.
CONFIRMATION PREPARATION 2024-25 DATES - All classes are on Tuesdays in the Worship Space, 6:30-8:30 pm
September 10 | October 8 | November 12 |
Retreat November 23, 9 am- 7 pm St. Michael's Lake House, Glen Allen |
December 10 | January 14 | February 11 | March 11 |
April 8 |
Confirmation Mass is TBD, by the Diocese |
May 13 Mystagogy |
HIGH SCHOOL FAITH FORMATION DATES - All classes are on Sundays in the church, 1:00-3:00 pm
September 22 | October 27 | November 24 | December 15 | January 26 |
February 23 | March 23 | April 27 |