Parish Safety
As a Catholic community, our first priority is to spread the Gospel and share the Good News with all we encounter. We gather together to worship our Lord, to learn more about His love for us and the faith that draws us together, and to find joy in this wonderful community of faith.
In an effort to facilitate these goals while keeping us safe as we gather together, we have implemented the following to create a safer environment:
Law Enforcement
- Local law enforcement officers have walked the property and given recommendations for safety measures to implement on site and during meetings.
- Parish has joined county Church Watch
- We’ve added no loitering, trespassing and soliciting signs
- We have removed brush and trimmed trees to give better line of sight on the property
We Need Your Help!
- Be alert. If you see someone/something suspicious, don’t hesitate to let the leadership know. (At mass – prayer leader or clergy) (At meetings – facilitators and catechists).
- Lock your car doors and remove all valuables from sight. There is a rise in thefts from cars in the county.
- Keep parish building doors shut. Do not prop doors. Criminals look for ease of entry and ways to avoid notice. Instead of propping doors, hold them open for one another before or after mass or an event. Hospitality and usher ministers will help with this task.
- Do not park in the front of the church circle or in the back of the church by the dumpsters. These areas are for quick drop off or loading and unloading only.
- If you come to the building and the doors are locked, be patient. They are locked to keep those already inside safe. A door monitor will be there soon to assist you.
To find out more, check out these Chesterfield County Crime Prevention Newsletters