First Reconciliation & First Communion
Preparation for the sacrament of First Reconciliation occurs along-side ongoing faith formation (religious education) in your child's grade level. Children must be at least seven (7) years old and in the second grade or higher to register for first reconciliation classes. This sacramental preparation is SUPPLEMENTAL to the regular faith formation. As parent(s), you will discern your child's readiness to begin the preparation and be an instrumental part in the review of curriculum for the sessions.
All classes are in the Worship Space, MONDAY evenings 6:00 –7:30 pm. Be sure to complete the First Reconciliation at-home assignments prior to class each week.
2024-2025 First Reconciliation class dates
September 23 September 30 October 7 October 14 October 21 October 28
November 11 - First Reconciliation Assessment November 16 - Reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Preparation for the sacrament of First Communion occurs along-side ongoing faith formation (religious education) based on grade level of your child. This sacramental preparation is SUPPLEMENTAL to the regular faith formation and you as the parent will discern their readiness to begin the preparation and be an instrumental part in their review of curriculum for the sessions. Children must be at least seven (7) years old and in the second grade or higher and have received first reconciliation before receiving their first communion.
All classes are in the Worship Space, MONDAY evenings 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Be sure to complete the First Communion at-home assignments prior to class each week.
First Communion class dates
March 3 March 17 March 24 April 7 April 14 April 28
May 5 - First Communion Assessment
May 29 - First Communion Mass Rehearsal
First Communion Mass is scheduled for Saturday, May 31, which is a dedicated First Communion Mass.
* Please note, all children and youth receiving First Sacraments must also attend their montly grade-level Faith Formation classes, in addition to the sacrament preparation listed above. Please see the Formation tab for grade level Formation dates.